January 5, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

Currently Listening To: Lights, Ellie Goulding

I hope that posting a New Year's post five days into the new year isn't indicative of what is to come this year. But, sadly, it probably is. I'm used to it by now though.

The thing about this year, though, is that it's the first one in a loooong time where I don't know where I'll be at the end of it, or even necessarily what I'll be doing. After May, when I'll graduate with a Masters in Secondary Education (holla), there are no guarantees or set-in-stone pictures in my head because I don't know what will happen. Sure, there are some dreams and questions, some fears and some excitement...but nothing solid. Right now the future is pure possibility.

So here we go, 2013. The year where I have to make big decisions and take big risks. Where I'll apply for jobs and go to interviews and might get rejected. Where I'll more likely than not move out of the town I've lived in for five years and settle somewhere new. Where I'll be out on my own as a grown-up (what?). It's gonna be a big year. Let's do this.

[image via Pinterest]

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